This post has been made obsolete. Please see this post.
And here are the rules for each of the schools listed in the previous post. They're all compatible with the GLOG wizard rules.
Class Templates:
School: Animist
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The Witch of the Waste, Howl's Moving Castle |
Perk: If someone makes a bargain with you and breaks it, Save. If you pass, you instantly know about it.
Drawback: You are feared and distrusted by most. You cannot bathe.
1. Transform into a creature with your face that has either (a) a fly speed of twice 2x Movement, (b) 3x Movement (c) swim speed of 2x Movement, (d) burrow speed of Movement, (e) the ability to squeeze through gaps smaller than a human head. Choose one option at character creation. The transformation lasts for 1hr/day.
2. Dim or extinguish all non-magical light sources within 10’.
3. Touch someone to learn if they have killed another sentient creature in the last 24hrs.
Spell List:
1. Powerful Presence( General)
2. Telekinetic Shove (General)
3. Shrivel (Biomancy)
4. Control Water (Elemental)
5. Eye Laser (General)
6. Charm Person (General)
7. Dream Eater (General)
8. Scorching Ray (General)
9. Scry (General)
10. Minor Curse (General)
Emblem Spells
11. Doom (General)
12. Major Curse (General)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail. Resembles your transformation.
4. Blind for 1d6 rounds
5. Deafened for 1d6 rounds
6. Spell targets you (if harmful) or enemy (if beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral).
Doom of the Animist:
1. Some aspect of your transformation manifests for 1 day.
2. Some aspect of your transformation becomes permanent. You become crueler and greedier.
3. Your transformation becomes permanent. You become bestial and monstrous. You become a dangerous NPC.
This doom can be avoided by true love, or by slaying the last of a powerful species (black dragons, elder forest spirits, creation elementals).
School: Biomancer
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Octopoderos by Mavros Thanatos |
Perk: When you drink a potion, you have a 50% chance to recycle it via whatever orifice you prefer. You have 10 minutes to excrete the potion. You start with two black thumb rings and a random potion.
Drawback: Whenever you receive magical healing, you have a 1-in-6 chance to gain a mutation. The regeneration spell does not trigger this.
1. Transfer a blemish or feature from one creature to another. You could swap eye colours with an elf or pull warts off a toad and put them on a princess.
2. Taste blood to tell what kind of creature it came from.
3. If you wish, your appearance will no longer age. Once you activate this, you will always look the same age. This effect can be dispelled, and may fail in times of dire stress.
Spell List:
1. Acid Arrow (Biomancy)
2. Alter Self (General)
3. Animate Potion (Biomancy)
4. Extract Venom (Biomancy)
5. Neoplasma (Biomancy)
6. Mutate (Biomancy)
7. Infantilize (Biomancy)
8. Monsterize (Biomancy)
9. Regeneration (Biomancy)
10. Shrivel (Biomancy)
Emblem Spells
11. Hand of the Hound (Biomancy)
12. Wave of Mutilation (Biomancy)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Agony for 1d6 rounds
5. Ravenously hungry. Cannot cast spells until you eat.
6. Slough skin. Takes 1d6 rounds to remove. Is disgusting.
Doom of the Biomancer
1. Your appearance shifts and randomizes for one day
2. Save at the start of each day or gain a mutation. Save at the end of each day or that mutation becomes permanent.
3. You become a Chaotic Psychoplasm
This doom can be avoided by eating the hearts of 100 species, or by falling in love with the same doppleganger three times, or by tattooing rare fixative runes all over your body.
School: Drowned Wizard
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Yoshitaka Amano |
Drawback: Cannot drink water. Other water-based liquids, such as beer or tea, are fine.
1. Convince another creature that anyone who dies by drowning will instantly go to Hell. This is what Drowned Wizards believe. Lasts 1 hour.
2. Cause a loud bell to ring from somewhere due north.
3. Meditate for 1 hour to gain a new Save against any ongoing mental effect.
Spell List:
1. Command Coins (Drowned)
2. Detect Gold (General)
3. Magic Missile (Drowned)
4. Desiccate (Drowned)
5. Grease (General)
6. Slam Portal (Drowned)
7. Light (General)
8. Metal Chime (Drowned)
9. Spite (General)
10. Fog (General)
Emblem Spells
11. Mighty Lungs (Drowned)
12. Magic Cramp (Drowned)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Blind for 1d6 rounds
5. Deafened for 1d6 rounds
6. Vomit 1d100 litres of seawater.
Doom of the Drowned Wizards:
1. You can no longer swim. You cannot cast spells if you are touching free-flowing water (not damp socks, but a puddle).
2. Save vs Fear whenever you encounter a body of water larger than a teacup.
3. The tide will rise to your current location, and then drag you down. Expect 3d20 merfolk or drowned corpses and one 1d10+4 HD sea monster. Anyone drowned along the way will join them.
This doom can be avoided by discovering a secret unknown to anyone, including the gods, or by visiting Hell and leaving a decoy behind.
School: Elementalist
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Crone by Dee-Baby |
Perk: +3 to Save or Defense vs Elemental damage. No bonus against non-damaging effects.
Drawback: Cannot cast fire spells if wet. Cannot cast water or ice spells if dehydrated. Cannot cast earth or acid spells if you are not touching the ground. Cannot cast air or lightning spells if you do not have line of sight to the sky.
1. You can sense the potency and disposition of any nearby elemental spirits by meditating for 1 hour.
2. Summon a flame the size of a candle's by snapping your fingers. Cannot be used to deal damage.
3. Meditate for 1 hour to gain a new Save against any poison or damaging effect.
Spell List:
1. Circle of Frost (Elemental)
2. Control [Element] (Elemental)
3. Dissolve (Elemental)
4. Ice Breath (Elemental)
5. Stoneskin (Elemental)
6. Anklecrusher (Elemental)
7. Protection from [Element] (Elemental)
8. Ignite (Elemental)
9. Breathe [Element] (Elemental)
10. Wind Scythe (Elemental)
Emblem Spells
11. Wall of [Element] (Elemental)
12. Shocking Grasp (Elemental)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Soaked, or dehydrated, or flung upwards, or buried.
5. Deafened for 1d6 rounds
6. Wild elemental spirits flee your body for 1d6 rounds. Everyone within line of sight must Save each round or be stunned.
Doom of the Elementalist:
1. Take sufficient elemental damage to reduce you to zero HP.
2. Each time you cast an Elemental spell, Save or the spell flies out of control. If it likes you, the effects might not be too bad.
3. The elements turn against you. Expect 1d4+4 powerful spirits to arrive shortly. In the meantime, fire chases you, stones seek to crush you, the earth trembles, and lightning bolts plunge from the sky.
This doom can be avoided by journeying to a powerful elemental centre and pledging yourself to the spirit within, or by visiting pure vacuum or the deepest shadow.
School: Elf Wizard
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Old Gods by Hellestern |
Perk: Gain 1 extra MD while touching a tree at least 50`high. Roots count. You start with a bow.
Drawback: If you are scarred, disfigured, or filthy you must Save each morning or be unable to cast spells that day.
1. Create a pleasant musical ringing sound.
2. Any target you hit with an arrow counts as being at range “Touch”for the purposes of your spells.
3. Touch a wound to prevent it from bleeding. You do not negate any damage, but you to stop blood loss.
Spell List:
1. Clarity (Garden)
2. Speak with Birds (Elf)
3. Blossom (Elf)
4. Illusion of Youth (Elf)
5. Locate Animals (Garden)
6. Unseen Orchestra (Elf)
7. Floral Salvage (Elf)
8. Beautify (Elf)
9. Magic Missile (General)
10. Serpents of the Earth (Elf)
Emblem Spells
11. Elegant Judgement (Elf)
12. Rain of Arrows (Elf)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Agony 1d6 rounds
5. Blind for 1d6 rounds
6. Lose one MD for 24 hours.
Doom of the Elf Wizard:
1. Lose the ability to cast spells for 1 day,
2. Lose the ability to cast spells for 3 days. Lose the ability to fire a bow or draw a blade for 3 days.
3. Lose the ability to cast spells permanently. You can wield only your nails and teeth.
This doom can be averted by winning the trust and patronage of a powerful High Elf, or by building a tower near some site of astounding natural beauty.
School: Garden Wizard
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Mumrikk by Even Amudsen |
Perk: You gain +1 Attack and +1 Defense while wielding a quarterstaff. You start with a quarterstaff, a spade, and a good pair of boots.
Drawback: You must meditate each morning within sight of natural beauty. Even some mold growing on a rock counts. You must describe this to other players. Druids hate you.
1. Permanently change the colour or form of a small plant.
2. You can tell if a plant was deliberately or naturally sown by touching it.
3. You can sleep anywhere, in any position, with a few moments notice. You can set environmental conditions that will wake you, such as “sunrise” or “rain.”
Spell List:
1. Clarity (Garden)
2. Woodbend (Garden)
3. Dendrigraphy (Garden)
4. Whirling Staff (Garden)
5. Locate Animals (Garden)
6. Magic Missile (General)
7. Obedient Stone (Garden)
8. Control Earth (Elemental)
9. Light (General)
10. Sleep (General)
Emblem Spells
11. Wall of Earth (Elemental)
12. Uproot (Garden)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Plants wither for 5xd20 feet around you.
5. Save vs Fear against fire for the next 24 hours.
6. Plants erupt from your fingers and toes. Everyone within 50’ must Save vs Dex or be entangled and slowed.
Doom of the Gardener
1. Take sufficient fire damage to reduce you to zero HP.
2. You can no longer read maps or symbolic representations of places, or non-magical languages.
3. Your memory fades. You cannot memorize spells. Save every hour or forget every detail of the previous few hours.
This doom can be averted by planting 10,000 trees by hand, and tending them as they grow to maturity. You may also journey to the Heart of the Forest, and battle the wild spirits within.
School: Illusionist
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The Wizard by Richey Beckett |
Perk: Your illusion spells have a duration of “Concentration + 1 minute”. You start with rainbow-coloured gloves.
Drawback: You cannot cast spells unless you can see all 7 primary colours. Your magic supplies the 8th: octarine.
1. Create a shower of illusory sparks or a puff of illusory smoke from your hands.
2. Touch another caster’s illusion and make and Opposed Int check. If you succeed, you gain control of the illusion.
3. You always know the position of the sun in the sky.
Spell List
1. Illusion (Illusion)
2. Disguise (Illusion)
3. Prismatic Ray (General)
4. Mirror Image (Illusion)
5. Mirror Object (Illusion)
6. Light (General)
7. Hypnotic Orb (Illusion)
8. Colour Spray (General)
9. Wizard Vision (General)
10. Wall of Light (General)
Emblem Spells
11. Mirror Self (Illusion)
12. Fade (Illusion)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Blind for 1d6 rounds
5. All sighted creatures are invisible to you for 24hrs.
6. Eruption of random illusions from your hands. Everyone in LOS must make a Wisdom check to do anything relying on sight for 1d6 rounds.
Doom of the Illusionist:
1. A 10’ square mirror appears and you are compelled to enter. Your lose a random item, gain a random item of approximately equal value, and have 0 HP. You return the next morning, shivering.
2. You turn into an illusion for a day.
3. Turn into an illusion permanently.
As an illusion, you have no smell or taste. You cannot be felt. Solid impacts cause you to pop. Lose 1d6 Con that cannot be recovered while you are an illusion, and reform the next morning nearby. Illusions are real to you.
This doom can be avoided by journeying into the mirror-realm and eating one of the eyes of the beholders found there, or performing the Ritual of Prismax; a duel to the death against three of your mirror selves from alternate universes, fought in a neutral battlefield.
School: Necromancer
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Kashchey the Immortal, Viktor Vasnetsov |
Perk: Your Raise [Creature] spells can be sustained indefinitely, as long as you keep the dice used on the spell from refreshing. You can cast speak with dead at will.
Drawback: You cannot cast spells if you recovered HP in the last 3 rounds. You cannot cast spells if you healed anyone’s HP in the last 3 rounds.
1. Cause the temperature to drop noticeably in an area.
2. Remove the skin, bones, or flesh from a corpse by passing your hand over it and losing 1 HP.
3. Close your right eye to see the soul leave a dying person.
Spell List:
1. Essential Salts (Necromancy)
2. Explode Corpse (Necromancy)
3. Death Mask (Necromancy)
4. Fear (General)
5. Rot (Necromancy)
6. Raise Zombie (Necromancy)
7. False Life (Necromancy)
8. Raise Crawling Claw (Necromancy)
9. Spite (General)
10. Death Scythe (Necromancy)
Emblem Spells
11. Revenant (Necromancy)
12. Doom Song (General)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Save vs Fear against the target of your spell. 1d6 rounds.
5. 1d6 nearby corpses raise as zombies and attack you for 1d6 rounds.
6. You die. Make an Int check every hour to find your way back from the dead. The first time you survive this mishap, you gain a contact in the afterlife.
Doom of the Necromancer:
1. You die and spend the next 1d6 days in the afterlife. Your body will rot after 2 days unless it is preserved in some way: pickling, embalming, freezing, or desiccation.
2. You become undead, permanently.
3. All corpses in 20 miles rise as skeletons and attempt to kill you. Average: 3d20 skeletons, with 1d6 lieutenants, monsters, and commanders as appropriate. Anyone they kill joins them. They will pursue you to the ends of the earth.
This doom can be avoided by eating the heart of an immortal creature , or journeying into hell and making a bargain, or becoming a Lich.
School: Orthodox Wizard
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Everyday Wizard by Sean Andrew Murray |
Perk: None.
Drawback: None.
1. Change the colour or texture of an object for 10 minutes
2. Create a tiny light as bright as a match on your fingertip.
3. Move a light object with a wave of your finger. You could cause a coin to roll along the ground or turn the pages of a book, but you couldn't open a door or lift a stone.
Spell List:
1. Lock (General)
2. Knock (General)
3. Grease (General)
4. Force Field (General)
5. Levitate (General)
6. Magic Missile (General)
7. Feather Fall (General)
8. Sleep (General)
9. Light (General)
10. Wizard Vision (General)
Emblem Spells
11. Prismatic Ray (General)
12. Fireball (General)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Lose 1 MD for 24 hours.
5. Agony for 1d6 rounds.
6. Cannot cast spells for 1d6 rounds.
Doom of the Orthodox:
1. Lose the ability to cast spells for 1 day.
2. Lose the ability to cast spells for 3 days.
3. Lose the ability to cast spells permanently.
This doom can be eating the heart of a powerful magical creature, such as a High Elf, or by marrying one. You can also fill your brain with 4 entirely new spells that have never been cast by anyone else.
School: Wizard of the White Hand
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11 by CG-Sister |
Drawback: You cannot eat meat. You must wear a white circle on your robes or belt.
1. Press your hands together and count as Str 20 against being pushed, shoved, or moved.
2. Spend 10 minutes running your hands over your clothes to remove any stains or dirt.
3. If an attack would reduce you from full HP to 0 HP or less, you may spend all your remaining MD to survive it with 1 HP. You must spend at least 1 MD.
Spell List:
1. Cure Light Wounds (General)
2. Vigor (White Hand)
3. Protection from [Element] (Elemental)
4. Light (General)
5. Magic Missile (General)
6. Mighty Thews (White Hand)
7. Olfactory Revelation (White Hand)
8. Inflict Pain (White Hand)
9. Necrography (White Hand)
10. Black Hand (White Hand)
Emblem Spells
11. White Hand (White Hand)
12. Vivigraphy (White Hand)
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Blind for 1d6 rounds
5. Deafened for 1d6 rounds
6. Spell targets you (if harmful) or enemy (if beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral).
Doom of the White Hand:
1. You fade from existence for a day, leaving only your shadow behind.
2. You fade from existence for 3 days, leaving only your shadow behind. Your shadow roams without you.
3. You permanently fade, leaving a ravenous shadow behind to plague the living.
This doom can be avoided by avoiding total darkness for the rest of your life, or by traveling to the surface of the sun.
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