
OSR: Mirrors, Cubes, Rods, Staves, and the Deck of Motley Things

I've written another 10 pages of the Treasure Overhaul (title pending), a condensed magic item compendium for old-school games. Unlike the first two previews, this PDF is only available on Patreon.

This new PDF covers Mirrors, Cubes, Rings, Rods, and Staves. It's a decent mix of classic D&D items in a new format and new problem-solving / problem-creating tools. It also includes the Deck of Motley Things, a 78-card tarot-compatible magic item designed to introduce a little chaos into a campaign.

In other news, the Monster Overhaul is back in stock in the USA, Canada, and the UK/EU.


  1. You should take a look on the spouting lore blog of jeremy strandberg https://spoutinglore.blogspot.com there is a ton of minor magical items sorted by class there and he created some magical items called major arcana and minor arcana for his game "stonetop" that surelly can fill you with inspiration to the treasure overhaul. Besides that, I would LOVE to see some art from the artist of stonetop, Jason Lutes, on the treasure Overhaul.

  2. The Treasure Overhaul could have some traps, riddles and puzzles suggestions to guard the Item. Futhermore, It could have a table of tales, fables and background stories for the items and another table with curses and fallen(or not) heroes that wielded the item before.
