These classes are intended for my Loxdon College game. They (along with an assortment of other wizards) will accompany the Brawler, Duelist, Thief, and Dandy.
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Aaron Griffin |
Alloy Wizard
Starting Equipment: spellbook, ink and quill, gold earring or gold ring worth 5sp.
Alchemists are obsessed with transformations. Alloy Wizards prefer to take metals as they are and make subtle improvements.
Perk: You are immune to mercury poisoning.
Drawback: You must be in contact with gold to cast your spells.
1. You can tell if a metal is pure or impure by touching it. Lick it to identify specific impurities.
2. Your fingernails are as hard as diamonds, and can be used to engrave metal or cut glass.
3. Your heart beats exactly 60 times per minute.
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Nikola Matkovic |
Alloy Wizard Spell List
1. Command Coins
R: 30’ T: [sum]x100 coins D: [dice] hours
Coins will leap up and obey your single-word commands. Affects all unattended coins in 30' of you and lasts 1 hour. Coins can be commanded to follow you, hide in crevices, or serve as rollers for heavy statues. They are mindless and feeble.
2. Detect Metals
R: 100’ T: self D: [sum] minutes
Allows you to identify the eight true metals. In order of brightness: occultum, gold, silver, mercury, iron, and tin. Lead and copper are nearly invisible. You see them through walls and barriers as faint shifting afterimages, but the spell bleeds into you other senses. If you cast this spell with 3 or more [dice], your eyes turn gold and the effects are permanent.
3. Magic Missile
R: 200' T: creature D: 0
Target takes [sum] + [dice] damage, no Save. As an Alloy Wizard, your spell is a silver dart with gold hoops and spirals.
4. Heat Metal
R: 30’ T: object D: [sum] rounds
Target metal object becomes warm. Each round after the first, it deals 1d6 damage to anything touching it, or 3d6 damage if the metal has become liquid. The maximum size of the object, and additional effects, depends on how many dice are invested in the spell: 1 [dice]: sword-sized, 2 [dice]: door- or armour-sized, melts lead and tin after 6 rounds. 3 [dice]: cart-sized, melts gold, silver, and copper after 6 rounds, 4 [dice]: cottage-sized, melts iron after 6 rounds.
5. Control Metal
R: 50’ T: metal D: concentration
You must choose a metal when you select this spell (MIR pg. 90). Each [dice] you invest increases the effects. One [die] is minor, 4 [dice] is a legendary display of metal control. At one [dice], control a fist-size lump of metal. You can a) make it hop or roll at a walking pace, b) magnetize or demagnetize it, c) slowly reshape it, d) gently heat or cool it, or e) slowly separate impurities.
6. Metal Chime
R: touch T: metal object D: [dice] days
You touch and enchant a piece of metal to make a terrific noise the next time it strikes a solid surface or is struck. All creatures within 100' (except you) must Save or be deafened for 1 minute. If used as a signal, it can be heard up to a mile away.
7. Light
R: touch T: object or creature D: [dice]x2 hours
Object illuminates as a torch, with a radius of 20’+[dice]x10’. Alternatively, you can make an Attack roll against a sighted creature. If you succeed, the creature is blinded for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, the creature is permanently blinded. You can chose the colour of the light. If you invest 4 [dice] or more this light has all the qualities of natural sunlight. Alternatively, if you invest 4 [dice] or more the light can be purest octarine, although it will only last for 1 round. Octarine light is extremely dangerous.
8. Explosion Containment
R: touch T: self D: [dice] hours
You may cast this spell as a reaction. Save, with a bonus equal to [sum]. Any incoming damage from an explosion or high-speed impact is stored in the palm of your hand. You also block damage that would be dealt to anything in a cone behind you. You can’t use this spell to stop an arrow, a magic missile, or a falling wall, but you can use it to stop a barrel of gunpowder, exploding magical equipment, or a fireball. Before the spell’s duration expires, you must release the explosion in a cone aimed from the palm of your hand.
9. Fool’s Gold
R: touch T: object weighing [sum]x10 lbs D: [dice] hours
Touched object, or heap of objects, appears to be gold for the spell’s duration. Alchemy or magic will reveal that it is not truly gold. This spell is Illusionary Fraud (MIR pg. 41).
10. Mercury’s Haste
R: touch T: creature D: [sum] rounds
Target creature’s body becomes mercury. Save negates. They can flow through gaps as a liquid, but sink in water. They are immune to piercing damage and reduce all other incoming non-magical damage by 2. They move at 2x normal speed, but cannot jump.
11. Leadfall
R: 30’ T: [dice] creatures or objects D: [sum] rounds
Target moves at ½ speed. Alternatively, you can cast this spell in reaction to a target about to take fall damage. They take double fall damage.
12. Magic Cramp
R: 100’ T: creature D: 0
Target takes 1d6+1 damage per the maximum number of MD they possess, or 1d6 damage per HD for magical creatures (unicorns, dragons, etc.). Additionally, they lose [dice] MD for [dice] rounds. Save for half damage and to negate MD loss. Nonmagical creatures, or creatures that have no spellcasting ability, are unaffected by this spell.
Alloy Wizard Mishaps
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24hrs.
2. Take 1d6 damage.
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Blind for 1d6 rounds.
5. Loud clanging noise for 1d6 rounds. Audible within 500’.
6. Weigh 1,000lbs for 1d6 rounds. Movement impossible.
Alloy Wizard Dooms
1. All carried gold turns to lead.
2. All gold within 100’ turns to lead. All iron within 100’ turns to tin.
3. You transform into an iron statue of yourself. All mundane items are also transformed. Magical items get a Save. You can be de-petrified, but for a maximum of 1 hour every 24 hours.
Mechanical Notes on the Alloy Wizard
The Alloy Wizard is a replacement for the Drowned Wizard, made slightly more sensible for Endon's post-feudal world. Wearing a gold mask is not obligatory, but it's a great way to show off.
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Shion Mirudakemann |
Civic Wizard
Starting Equipment: spellbook, ink and quill, umbrella.
Endon’s prosperity has created a new breed of wizards; casters for whom magic is merely another tool or ornament.
Perk: You can draw and open an umbrella as a reaction. This is unlikely to reduce incoming damage, but it might be a surprise.
Drawback: You must rest indoors in a room designated for sleeping to regain MD. Crypts and caves do not count.
1. In a street with cabs, you can always hail one with almost unnatural ease. You must still pay the fare.
2. If you tip someone and they don’t carefully examine the coins, they will assume you’ve tipped them approximately three times what you actually presented. They may start to notice a pattern after a few interactions.
3. You can accurately throw a coin up to 30’.
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Edouard Guiton |
Civic Wizard Spell List
1. Cure Wounds
R: touch T: creature D: 0
Target creature heals [sum] HP. It costs 2 HP to remove 1 negative HP and 4 HP to remove 1 Fatal Wound. This spell cannot restore lost limbs, remove injuries, or cure diseases.
2. Speak with Vermin
R: 0 T: self D: [dice] minutes
You can talk to rats and pigeons and they will respond. Pigeons are very dim, but can be given simple suggestions. Rats are clever, but they require payment and will attempt to involve you in conspiracies, relationship drama, and crime.
3. Part Crowd
R: 500’ line T: area D: 0
You raise your hands over your head, then swing them down. Along a 500’ line, creatures move out of the way, opening a clear path. Hostile creatures get a Save. The path closes naturally in 2d6 rounds.
4. Lock
R: 50' T: [dice] creatures or objects D: 10 minutes
Non-living object closes and becomes locked. If the object is a door, chest, or similar object, it will slam shut, dealing [sum] damage to any creature passing through it and then trapping them. This spell works on things that aren't technically portals (lock a sword in its scabbard, etc.). Requires Str 10+[dice]x4 to open. Alternatively, this spell can be cast on a creature's orifice. The creature gets a Save to resist, and another Save at the end of each of its turns.
5. Knock
R: 50' T: [dice] objects D: 0
Object is opened. Doors are flung wide, locks are broken, shackles are bent open, belts come undone. Treat this as a Strength check made with Str 10 + [dice]x4. If target is an armoured creature, Save or armour falls off. If target is an unarmoured creature, Save or vomit for 1d4 rounds.
6. Useless Spell
R: 30’ unless otherwise stated T: varies D: varies
You automatically gain this spell at first level. Roll for your other spell normally. Roll twice on the Discount Spell Table (MIR pg. 86). You gain both spells. The effects are adjudicated by the GM. They take up a spell slot, but require no MD to cast. You can still invest MD in them if you’d like to increase the effects, but it’s not worth it.
7. Newspaper Trap
R: touch T: paper D: [sum] hours
Enchant up to [dice]x10lbs of paper (traditionally a newspaper but any loose sheets will work). The next creature to approach within 10' of the paper will be attacked by it. The paper will blanket their head, blinding and stunning them for [sum] rounds. The creature can Save each round to remove the paper and end the effect. If you invest 3 or more [dice], the target also takes 1 non-lethal damage per round. The trap fades after [sum] hours.
8. Light
R: touch T: object or creature D: [dice]x2 hours
Object illuminates as a torch, with a radius of 20’+[dice]x10’. Alternatively, you can make an Attack roll against a sighted creature. If you succeed, the creature is blinded for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, the creature is permanently blinded. You can chose the colour of the light. If you invest 4 [dice] or more this light has all the qualities of natural sunlight. Alternatively, if you invest 4 [dice] or more the light can be purest octarine, although it will only last for 1 round. Octarine light is extremely dangerous.
9. Mage Hand
R: 30’+[dice]x10’ T: self D: concentration
Gain an invisible telekinetic limb. It can extend up to 30’+[dice]x10’ long and uses your Int. as its Str. You can use the limb to attack, but do not gain an additional attack per round. If you invest 2 or more [dice], the limb has fingers capable of delicate work.
10. Scuttle
R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [sum] minutes
Your clothes and hair animate to carry you. You can move at full speed in any orientation, and you can freely rotate as you move. For instance, you could run while standing on your head, holding a torch, and turning counterclockwise. You can lie on your side and, while flipping end over end, move backwards. This effect does not allow you to climb up walls, but you can climb ladders or rope at twice your usual speed.
11. Triple Doorway
R: touch / 5 miles T: door D: [sum] rounds
Touch a closed door and clearly visualize an unlocked closed door of approximately the same size within 10 miles. The doors are linked for the spell’s duration. Stepping in one doorway and out of the other. If you invest 3 or more [dice], the duration is [sum] hours. If you invest 4 or more [dice], the effect is permanent.
12. Forget
R: 10’ T: creature of [dice]x4 HD or less D: 10 minutes
Target creature must Save or get the last 10 minutes. They may recall vague details but not useful information.
Civic Wizard Mishaps
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24hrs.
2. Lose 1 permanent HP and take 1d4 damage.
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Fingers dribble ink for 1d6 rounds. Stains everything.
5. Wind gusts upwards for 1d6 rounds. May knock loose objects free.
6. Spell targets you (if harmful) or enemy (if beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral).
Civic Wizard Dooms
1. You fade from existence for a day, leaving only your shadow behind.
2. You fade from existence for 3 days, leaving only your shadow behind. Your shadow roams without you.
3. You permanently fade, leaving a ravenous shadow behind.
Mechanical Notes on the Civic Wizard
A slightly eccentric counterpart to the Orthodox Wizard. Some of the same spells, but a few powerfully useless ones as well.
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Bjorn Hurri |
Potion Wizard
Starting Equipment: spellbook, ink and quill, 1 potion (MIR pg. 97).
Starting Skill: Alchemy or Botany or Cooking.
Potions are increasingly common in Endon. Some wizards choose to specialize, though the drawbacks of ingestible temporary magic are significant.
Perk: When you drink a potion, you have a 50% chance to recycle it via whatever orifice you prefer. You have 10 minutes to excrete the potion.
Drawback: You smell distinctive. In unperfumed or neutral environments, you can be detected within 30’.
1. You can learn a potion’s approximate effects by tasting it or wafting it under your nose. Implausibly deadly poisons may still affect you.
2. Spend 1 MD to double the duration of a potion you drink, or double its numerical effects (HP healed, damage reduce, etc.)
3. Wave your hands wildly to deflect an incoming arrow or thrown weapon. Requires a Save. If successful, the attack barely misses you.
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Dan Peacock |
Potion Wizard Spell List
1. Flying Syringe
R: 100' T: object D: 0
You must hold a potion, vial of poison, or other liquid in one hand while you cast this spell. The spell changes the potion's container into a glass dart and fires it at an enemy within range. The target must Save or be struck and immediately take the effects of the potion. If you invest 2 [dice] or more, you can redirect a missed syringe, once, to a new target with a successful Save vs Int. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, you can mix [dice] potions together into the same syringe. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, the target does not get a Save.
2. Animate Potion
R: touch T: potion or liquid D: [sum] hours
You turn a potion into an obedient homunculus (HD 0). It is tiny (1' tall) and feeble (Str 1), but it can go where you direct and even bring you small items (like a single coin). The potion can be delivered by touch or by “drinking” the homunculus. Aware targets can swat the homunculus away to avoid the potion's effects. Works on any liquid except water.
3. Desiccate
R: 30’ T: creature D: 0
Hydrated target within 30' takes 1d6+[dice] damage. Can also be used to turn meat into jerky or concentrate water-based liquids (wine, most acids), up to 2 gallons per [dice]. You can make a cup full of very strong brandy from a bottle of wine.
4. Grease
R: 50' T: object, surface D: [sum] rounds
Can be cast directly on a creature or a 10' x 10' x [dice] surface. All creatures affected must Save vs Dex or drop held objects, or, if moving, drop prone.
5. Inebriate
R: 50’ T: living creature D: [sum] minutes.
Target becomes drunk. If they were already drunk, they must Save or fall asleep, and can't be awoken by anything less vigorous than a slap. If [sum] is greater than 6, the duration becomes [sum] hours.
6. Horrible Sobriety
R: 50’ T: living creature D: [sum] minutes.
Target becomes sober. If they were already sober, they gain a +4 bonus to Int and Wis (including Initiative) for the spell’s duration, but take 1 non-lethal damage every time they roll using those stats.
7. Control Glass
R: 50’ T: a bottle’s worth of glass D: concentration
Control a lump of glass. At one [die]: (a) reshape or reform the glass, (b) seal a bucket’s worth of liquid inside a glass orb, (c) melt a person-size hole in a window. Each [dice] you invest increases the effects. At 4 [dice], raise a small palace or warp windows along an entire street.
8. Potionify
R: touch T: spell and object D: [sum] hours
You take an echo of a spell from a spellbook, wand, or enchantment and transfer it to a potion. The spell activates when it is ingested, using ½ the [dice] invested in this spell if a roll is required. The potion loses all magical properties after [sum] hours.
9. Cone of Dense Foam
R: [dice]x10' cone T: area D: 0
A huge cone of white foam sprays from your hand. It's as dense as porridge, but tastes like seawater. Creatures inside must Save vs Con or begin to drown unless they struggle free. Any creatures covered in foam have -2 to Attack until they can wash.
10. Fog
R: 30’ T: self D: [dice] hours
You breath out a bunch of fog. Everything up to 30' away from you is obscured. Sunlight, wind, or heat dissipates the fog in 10 minutes. If you cast this spell with 3 or more [dice], other casters lose 1 MD while they remain in the fog.
11. Cloudkill
R: 30’ T: [dice] 10’ cubes D: 24 hours
Summon a cloud of ghastly yellow-green vapour. Creatures of 2 HD or less in the cloud are instantly slain (no Save). Creatures of 3 to 5 HD must Save or die each round. Creatures of 6 or more HD must Save or take 3d6 damage each round. The cloud is heavier than air and slowly drifts. It moves 10’ per round in a gentle breeze. A strong wind disperses the cloud in 10 minutes.
12. Duplicate Self
R: touch T: self D: [sum] minutes
You split in two. You and your duplicate have the same stats, but must divide current current HP, MD, and any single-target enchantments, curses, diseases, or effects as equally as possible. Items are not duplicated (so you may wish to carry spare clothes in your inventory). At the end of the spell’s duration, if you are within 30’ of your duplicate, you merge back together, combining current HP, MD, etc. If you are more than 30’ away, the version with more HP survives, while the other version withers.
Potion Wizard Mishaps
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24hrs.
2. Lose 1 permanent HP and take 1d4 damage.
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Bright sparks fly from your ears for 1d6 rounds.
5. Liquefied for 1d6 rounds. Effectively knocked prone. Any poisons or toxins within 10’ are automatically touched.
6. Spell targets ally (if harmful) or enemy (if beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral).
Potion Wizard Dooms
1. You cannot drink water, and cannot regain MD if you have not ingested a potion within the previous 24 hours.
2. You become very soggy. Your Str and Dex become 2. While unconscious, you are a liquid, and must sleep in a tub or cask.
3. You dissolve into a liquid slurry. You might be able to gurgle answers if stored in a glass jar, but mobility and coherent thought are no longer viable.
Mechanical Notes on the Potion Wizard
I've started to split classic GLOG biomancers into a potion variant and a Fleshcrafter variant... and possibly a creature-creating variant.
Progress on the monster book is great, but I especially love posts like this. Always happy to see more. How long did it take you to put together one/all of these sub-genera of wizard?
ReplyDeleteNot as long as you might think. The hardest part is coming up with a concept that works; lots of weak or uninteresting concepts get discarded along the way. Most of the spells for these classes already existed, so I just had to assemble them, write and test cantrips, add a few new spells, then compare them to existing classes to see if there's a lot of conceptual overlap or power disparity.
DeleteThese are great! I love these unusual types of wizards, especially the alloy wizard and the potion wizard. Tell me, how do these dooms manifest?