Books I Sell


OSR: The Alphabetical Index of All Monsters

The Monster Overhaul will have several useful indices. There's a basic table of contents, of course, and the HD(NA) section has already been posted, but since the book is designed to cover a lot of possible monsters, an Index of All Monsters is mandatory.

It can't contain all monsters, of course, but the goal is to include every monster a reader is likely to look up in an index. The name is a bit of a joke.

Chaos Frogs by Naf

Not Wanted On The Voyage

Lake Monsters
Every lake has a mysterious serpent-like beast that allegedly sinks small boats but is otherwise harmless. It'd be easier to list the lakes that don't have a legendary inhabitant. Between the dinosaur craze of the late 1800s and the cryptid fads of the '60s and '70s, depictions became homogenized and suitable for town logos and tourism marketing.

Ape Monsters
It's a similar story for ape-like humanoids. I've included the best-known ones, but monster lists are full of "evidence" for a worldwide secret clan of hairy humans. 

Side Note: the other potential issue is that some hairy human tales are just racism/xenophobia that the folklorist didn't pick up on. "Those weird semi-human primitive hill creatures that we hate" sometimes turn out to be actual people.

Clearly Fictional Monsters of Allegory
Bicorn and Chichevache are perfect examples. Creatures that were originally allegorical but gained new associations over the years are fine; creatures that are nothing but allegory are not.

Creatures That Don't Do Anything
If a creature doesn't do anything more supernatural than a cow producing milk or a pepper plant producing pepper, and if it isn't actively dangerous to people, it's probably not worth including. A venemous snake with two heads is interesting, but it doesn't need stats.

Singular Creatures
If a creature only appears in one source, and hasn't been widely reinterpreted or discussed, it's probably not worth indexing. Anyone who knows of the creature should also have a good idea what sort of stats it needs. Famous named dragons, for example, probably don't need to be listed by name.

Nebulous Creatures and Gods
If a creature created a mountain range, regularly devours the sun, or exists everywhere, it's probably not something stats can adequately cover. I've included the Demigod entry just in case. If a creature's motivation, form, and abilities change with every tale, it's probably too difficult to incorporate into an index. 

Fully Fictional Creatures
Unless a creature appears in at least 2 RPG sources and another type of work (a video game, the original novel, etc.), it's probably not worth indexing. Some of the phonemic soup creatures from White Dwarf are definitely not worth revisiting. "You encounter [rolls] an Abrogalsid, which is different from an Agrobalsid in several very boring ways. Roll for initiative." 

I also want to steer clear of copyright issues (even though indexing, with the right caveats, is a perfectly fine use case). Wizards of the Coast Product Identity creatures are right out.

Other Indexing Concerns

Via wikipedia.

The Grootslang is just a "great snake"; one of many such snakes. Since the early 2000s, thanks to the internet and a misread reference, it's become an elephant-featured snake instead of an elephant-sized snake, and developed a host of new abilities largely unrelated to its original myth.

Which version should I index? The "correct" one, or the new (and more interesting, from an RPG point of view) one? 

Similarly, Gygax's Gorgon in the original Monster Manual is Topsell's error, perpetuated by Freund. Should I index Gorgon as "see Catoblepas" or "see Medusa" or both? Gorgon->Catoblepas is only a valid reference because of D&D, but the Monster Overhaul is a D&D-type book.

There's no correct answer. Every story about a creature, even if it's a real creature, is still a story. It's turtles all the way down.

It sounds trite, but mythology was not written for RPG purposes. Creatures were written, adapted, or changed for specific reasons, but until very recently those reasons did not include "What happens if some imaginary people in a collective story framework bolted to a random number generator encounter this monster?"

-What to Include in the Monster Overhaul?

All Wights Reversed
Not all two-word creature names have their reverse doubles in the index. Readers are unlikely to look up "Tortoise Tsar" by "Tsar, Tortoise" (if they look it up at all), but they are very likely to look up "Giant Spider" by "Spider, Giant".

A Shark By Any Other Name
If an index entry would reference the same creature, it's not included. If you look up "Shark, Great White", then the index entry for "Shark" will point you in the right direction. "Shark, Great White", "Shark, Hammerhead", "Shark, Tiger", etc. will just clog the index. I've also tried to avoid near synonyms. "Rat" and "Rodent" are fairly close and point to the same entry; including Rodent doesn't feel necessary.

I've tried to include the most common species names and their cross-references. It's possible that readers will look up "Megalodon" or "Gorgosaurus". 

Instead of directing the reader to flip to a different index entry, I'm going to provide the page # of the final reference. This gives me a bit of flexibility in formatting and saves the reader time.

Where a creature corresponds more-or-less 1:1, or is explicitly included in, an existing entry, I use "see". Where a bit of extra guidance is needed, I've used "as". I may revise a few entries to give a bit more guidance, but in some cases, it feels unnecessary. Anyone looking up a creature by that name should also have a general idea of its form and abilities.

Sigbin by Ash

The Alphabetical Index of All Monsters

The first column covers entries in the book. The second column is cross-references. The formatting will be significantly adjusted to fit the book. Blogger does not like tables.

What have I missed? What interpretations do you disagree with? Cunningham's Law to the rescue!

Abyssal Fish

Achaierai - as Bear (pg. ###), but avian, darkly intelligent.

Adherer - as Sea Slug (pg. ###), but humanoid and sticky.

Adjule - see Hyena (pg. ###).

Aepyornis - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Aerial Servant - as Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Agropelter - as Baboon (pg. ###), but arboreal, tosses branches.

Ahool - as Flying Lizard (pg. ###), but a giant ape-like bat.

Ahuizotl - as Seal (pg. ###), but hound-like, grasping hand on tail.

Ajaju - as Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###), but a multi-tongued stilt-legged chameleon.

Akkorokamui - see Kraken (pg. ###).
Alien Invader
Alien Visitor

Alkonost - see Harpy (pg. ###).

Alligator - see Crocodile (pg. ###)

Allosaurus - see Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###).

Almas - see Ape (pg. ###).
Alpha Mind
Alpine Specter

Alseid - see Dryad (pg. ###).

Amikuk - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).

Ammonite, Giant - see Kraken (pg. ###).

Amoeba - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Anaconda - see Giant Snake (pg. ###).

Anatosaurus - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).
Ancient Arthropod
Ancient Dragon

Android - see Robot Servant (pg. ###).

Androsphinx - see Sphinx (pg. ###) or Manticore (pg. ###).

Anfac - as Rotifer (pg. ###), but a fusion of beaver, lizard, and catfish.

Anggitay - see Centaur (pg. ###).

Angle Hound - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Anglerfish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Animated Item

Ankheg - see Tunnel Hulk (pg. ###)

Ankylosaurus - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).

Anomalocaris - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).

Ant Lion - as Tunnel Hulk (pg. ###), but pit-dwelling.

Ant, Giant - see Hive Insect (pg. ###)

Apatosaurus - see Thunder Lizard (pg. ###).

Ape, Colossal - see Colossal Ape (pg. ###)

Apparition - see Ghost (pg. ###)

Apsara - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Arthropod, Ancient - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).

Assassin Bug - see Skeeter (pg. ###).

Atomie - see Sprite (pg. ###).

Aurumvorax - as Rust Monster (pg. ###), but badger-shaped.

Axe Beak - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Babbler - as Troglodyte (pg. ###), but spouts gibberish.

Badger, Giant -see Wolf (pg. ###).

Bake-kujira - as Legendary Whale (pg. ###), but ethereal.

Baku - as Mind Eater (pg. ###), but tapir-like and benevolent.

Baluchitherium - see Rhinoceros (pg. ###)

Banderlog - see Baboon (pg. ###).

Bandersnatch - see Swift Lizard (pg. ###).

Bandit - see Mercenary (pg. ###).

Bar Juchne - see Beast of Creation (pg. ###).

Barbegazi - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Barghest - see Hell Hound (pg. ###).

Barkburr - see Predatory Plant (pg. ###).

Barmanou - see Ape (pg. ###).

Barracuda - see Shark (pg. ###).

Barreleye - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Basidirond - see Myconid (pg. ###).

Bat, Giant - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###)

Bat, Giant - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###)

Bat, Swarm - see Murderous Crows (pg. ###)

Bat, Vampire - see Skeeter (pg. ###)
Beast of Creation

Bee, Giant - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Beetle, Giant - see Tunnel Hulk (pg. ###).

Behir - see Drake (pg. ###).

Beluga - see Seal (pg. ###).

Berbalang - as Imp (pg. ###), but hungry for entrails.

Beroe - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Berserker - see Barbarian (pg. ###).

Bigfoot - see Ape (pg. ###).

Bird, Flightless - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###)
Biscuit Golem

Black Panther - see Panther (pg. ###).

Black Pudding - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Blindheim - as Strong Toad (pg. ###), but eyes instead cast light as a bonfire.

Blink Dog - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Blink Dog - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).
Blizzard Eel

Blob - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Boa Constrictor - see Giant Snake (pg. ###).

Bog Creeper - see Shambler (pg. ###).

Bogeyman - see Nightmare Beast (pg. ###) or Orc (pg. ###).

Boggart - as Brownie (pg. ###), but malevolent.

Bogle - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Bonnacon - as Catoblepas (pg. ###), but sprays caustic feces.

Bonobo - as Baboon (pg. ###), but peaceful.

Boobrie - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Booka - see Sprite (pg. ###).

Bookworm - see Marine Worm (pg. ###).

Brachiosaurus - see Thunder Lizard (pg. ###).

Brain Flayer - see Mind Eater (pg. ###).

Brigand - see Mercenary (pg. ###).

Bristle Worm - see Marine Worm (pg. ###).

Broxa - see Skeeter (pg. ###).

Buccaneer - see Pirate (pg. ###).

Buckawn - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Bugbear - see Ogre (pg. ###).

Buggane - as Tunnel Hulk (pg. ###), but a humanoid mole.

Bukavac - as Froghemoth (pg. ###), but a six-legged horned lizard.

Bulette - as Shark (pg. ###), but burrow 2x normal.

Bunyip - as Seal (pg. ###), but river-dwelling, predatory.

Burach Bhadi - as Marine Worm (pg. ###), but a nine-eyed strangling leech.

Burrunjor - as Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###).

Capybara - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).

Carbuncle - see Alicanto (pg. ###).

Carcass Crawler - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).

Carp, Giant - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Caryatid Column - see Stone Golem (pg. ###).

Cassowary - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Caterpillar, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).

Cave Cricket - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).
Cave Person

Ccoa - see Raijū (pg. ###).

Centipede, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###) or Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).

Chalicotherium - see Ground Sloth (pg. ###).

Chalkydri - see Ethereal Dragon (pg. ###).
Chaos Frog

Charybdis - see Rotifer (pg. ###).

Cheetah - as Panther (pg. ###), but move 3x normal.

Chimpanzee - as Baboon (pg. ###), but cunning.

Chimpanzee - see Ape (pg. ###).

Chimpekwe - as Elephant (pg. ###), but aquatic, one horn.

Chupacabra - see Sigbin (pg. ###).
Clay Golem

Cloaker - see Mimic (pg. ###).

Clubnek - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Cockroach, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).
Colossal Ape
Colossal Insect

Cougar - see Panther (pg. ###).

Coyote - see Hyena (pg. ###) or Wolf (pg. ###).

Crane, Giant - as Flightless Bird (pg. ###), but fly normal.

Crawling Claw - as Skeleton (pg. ###), but just a hand.

Crayfish, Giant - see Giant Crab (pg. ###).

Criosphinx - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Crustacean, Giant - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###) or Giant Crab (pg. ###).

Crysmal - see Living Gem (pg. ###).

Cube, Gelatinous - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Cù-sìth - see Hellhound (pg. ###).

Cyclops, Greater - see Giant (pg. ###).

Cyclops, Lesser - see Ogre (pg. ###).

Dao - see Jinnī (pg. ###).
Dark Fair

Death Knight - see Wight (pg. ###).

Deep One - as Troglodyte (pg. ###), but fishy, swim normal.

Demilich - as Lich (pg. ###), except only a skull remains.

Desmostylus - see Seal (pg. ###).

Devil Dog - see Hell Hound (pg. ###).

Devil, Tasmanian - see Kamaitachi (pg. ###).

Diakka - see Leafling (pg. ###).

Dienonychus - see Swift Lizard (pg. ###).

Dimorphodon - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Dingmaul - as Lion (pg. ###), but with a bulbous tail.

Dingo - see Hyena (pg. ###).

Dingonek - as Hippopotamus (pg. ###), but an aquatic leopard-like fanged armadillo.

Diplodocus - see Thunder Lizard (pg. ###).

Disenchanter - see Rust Monster (pg. ###).

Displaced Beast - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Displaced Cat - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Djinn - see Jinnī (pg. ###).

Dog - see Wolf (pg. ###).

Dolphin - see Seal (pg. ###).

Dracolich - see Zombie Dragon (pg. ###).

Dracolisk - as a Young Dragon (pg.###), but with a Basilisk's (pg. ###) petrification ability.

Dragon - see Young Dragon (pg. ###) or Ancient Dragon (pg. ###).

Dragon Horse - see Kirin (pg. ###).

Dragon Turtle - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).

Dragon, Ancient - see Ancient Dragon (pg. ###).

Dragon, Ethereal - see Ethereal Dragon (pg. ###).

Dragon, Young - see Young Dragon (pg. ###).

Dragon, Zombie - see Zombie Dragon (pg. ###).

Dragonborn - see Dracospawn (pg. ###).

Dragonfly, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).

Drider - as Centaur (pg. ###) or Lamia (pg. ###). Lower half spider.

Drop Bear - as Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###), but a koala, attacks from above.

Dust Devil - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Dustdigger - see Sea Star (pg. ###).

Eagle, Giant - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Echeneis - see Remora (pg. ###).

Eel, Blizzard - see Blizzard Eel (pg. ###).

Eel, Giant - see Marine Worm (pg. ###).

Eel, Gulper - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Eel, Snipe - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Efreeti - see Jinnī (pg. ###).

Eisel - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).
Elemental Spirit
Elemental Tyrant
Elsewhere Creature

Empty One - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Emu - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Enfield - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Enveloper - see Mimic (pg. ###).

Erinys - see Harpy (pg. ###).
Ethereal Dragon

Ettercap - as Giant Spider (pg. ###), but four limbs, sapient.

Ettin, Greater - see Giant (pg. ###).

Ettin, Lesser - see Ogre (pg. ###).

Eurypterid - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).
Eye Tyrant

Fairy Dragon - see Pseudodragon (pg. ###).

Faun - see Satyr (pg. ###).

Fenghuang - see Firebird (pg. ###).

Fetch - see Doppelganger (pg. ###).

Fish, Abyssal - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###)

Flameskull - see Firebat (pg. ###).
Flesh Golem
Flightless Bird
Flower Nymph

Flumph - as Marine Worm (pg. ###), but jellyfish-like, dimly intelligent.

Fly, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).
Flying Lizard

Forge Fiend - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Formian - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Frankenstein - see Wizard (pg. ###).

Frankenstein's Monster - see Flesh Golem (pg. ###).

Frog, Giant - as Kappa (pg. ###), but not intelligent.

Fuccubus - see Devil (pg. ###).

Fungus, Walking - see Myconid (pg. ###).

Fungus, Snow - see Snow Fungus (pg. ###).

Fury - as Harpy (pg. ###), but without singing.

Gajasimha - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Galtzagorriak - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Gar, Giant - see Crocodile (pg. ###)

Garkain - as Ghoul (pg. ###), except fly normal on skin-flap wings.

Gashadokuro - as Colossal Ape (pg. ###), but skeletal.

Gastropod - see Predatory Snail (pg. ###) or Sea Slug (pg. ###).

Gazebo - see Mimic (pg. ###).

Gazeka - as Ground Sloth (pg. ###), but with a tapir-like trunk.

Gelatinous Cube - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Gello - see Night Hag (pg. ###).

Gem, Living - see Living Gem (pg. ###).

Genie - see Jinnī (pg. ###).

Ghast - see Ghoul (pg. ###).
Giant Crab
Giant Snake
Giant Spider

Giant, Noble - see Noble Giant (pg. ###).

Gibbering Mouther - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Gibbon, Giant - see Ape (pg. ###).

Gnoll - as Hyena (pg. ###), but upright, sapient.

Gnome - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Goat, Telluric - see Telluric Goat (pg. ###).

Goblin War Engine

Goldbug - see Rust Monster (pg. ###).

Golem, Biscuit - see Biscuit Golem (pg. ###)

Golem, Clay - see Clay Golem (pg. ###)

Golem, Flesh - see Flesh Golem (pg. ###)

Golem, Iron - see Iron Golem (pg. ###)

Golem, Snow - see Snow Golem (pg. ###).

Golem, Stone - see Stone Golem (pg. ###)

Gomphothere - see Elephant (pg. ###).

Gorgon - see Medusa (pg. ###).

Gorgosaurus - see Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###).

Gorilla - see Ape (pg. ###).

Gremlin - see Imp (pg. ###) or Brownie (pg. ###).
Grey Horse

Grig - see Sprite (pg. ###).

Grim - see Hell Hound (pg. ###).

Grindylow - see Kappa (pg. ###).

Groaning Spirit - see Banshee (pg. ###)

Grootslang - see Giant Snake (pg. ###).
Ground Sloth

Grouper - see Shark (pg. ####).

Gynosphinx - see Sphinx (pg. ###).

Hag, Ice - see Sea Hag (pg. ###).

Hag, Night - see Sea Hag (pg. ###).

Hag, Sea - see Sea Hag (pg. ###).

Hag, Tempest - see Sea Hag (pg. ###).

Hamadryad - see Dryad (pg. ###).
Harvest Avatar

Hatchetfish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Hateful Goose

Haunt - see Poltergeist (pg. ###).

Hawk, Giant - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Hekatonkheire - as Giant (pg. ###), but with one hundred hands. Can attack up to hundred adjacent targets.

Helicoprion - see Shark (pg. ###).
Hell Hound
Herd Lizard

Heron, Giant - as Flightless Bird (pg. ###), but fly normal.

Hesperid - see Sun Dog (pg. ###).

Hidebehind - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Hieracosphinx - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Hippalectryon - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Hippocampus - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Hippogriff - see Griffon (pg. ###).
Hive Insect

Hob - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Hobgoblin - see Orc (pg. ###).

Hodag - see Drake (pg. ###).

Hollyphant - as Lamassu (pg. ###), but elephantine.

Hō-ō - see Firebird (pg. ###).

Hornet, Giant - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Hyad - see Raincloud (pg. ###).
Ice Hag

Ichthyocentaur - as Centaur (pg. ###), but back half of horse is a fish tail.

Ichthyosaur - see Shark (pg. ###).

Ifrit - see Jinnī (pg. ###).

Iguanodon - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).

Impundulu - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Incubus - see Devil (pg. ###).

Inkanyamba - as Sea Serpent (pg. ###), but waterfall-dwelling.

Insect, Colossal - see Colossal Insect (pg. ###)

Invisible Stalker - see Elemental (pg. ###).
Iron Fulmination
Iron Golem

Item, Animated - see Animated Item (pg. ###)

Jabberwock - see Nightmare Beast (pg. ###).

Jackal - see Hyena (pg. ###).

Jaguar - see Panther (pg. ###).

Jelly - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Jengu - see Merfolk (pg. ###).

Jishin Mushi - see Colossal Insect (pg. ###).

Jorōgumo - see Lamia (pg. ###).

Juggernaut - see Robot Titan (pg. ###).

Kallikantzaros - as Goblin (pg. ###), but incredibly dim.

Kaqtukaq - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Kataw - see Merfolk (pg. ###).

Kelpie - as Lamia (pg. ###), but can transform into an aquatic horse.

Kilmoulis - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Knocker - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Kodama - see Dryad (pg. ###).

Konrul - see Firebird (pg. ###).

Krill Swarm - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Lampad - see Alpine Specter (pg. ###).

Lamprey, Giant - see Marine Worm (pg. ###).

Land Shrimp - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Lavellan -as Catoblepas (pg. ###), but rat-shaped.
Leech of Paradise
Legendary Whale

Lembuswana - see Chimera (pg. ###).

Leopard - see Panther (pg. ###).

Leprechaun - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Leucrotta - see Hyena (pg. ###).

Lillend - see Couatl (pg. ###).

Lindworm - as Drake (pg. ###), but with only two limbs, moves like a snake.

Lion's Mane Jellyfish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Living Armour - see Animated Item (pg. ###).
Living Gem

Lizard, Flying - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###)

Lizard, Herd - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###)

Lizard, Swift - see Swift Lizard (pg. ###)

Lizard, Thunder - see Thunder Lizard (pg. ###)

Lizard, Tyrant - see Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###)

Lomie - as Catoblepas (pg. ###), but a moose. Spits boiling water.

Longma - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Lou Carcolh - see Predatory Snail (pg. ###).

Lurefish - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).

Lurker Above - see Mimic (pg. ###).

Lusca - as Kraken (pg. ###). Shark head, squid body.

Lutin - see Fairy (pg. ###).

Lycanthrope - see Werewolf (pg. ###).

Lyegrabber - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Lynx, Giant - see Panther (pg. ###).

Mahwot - see Crocodile (pg. ###).

Mammoth - see Elephant (pg. ###).

Manananggal - see Vampire (pg. ###).

Manatee, Flesh-Eating - see Seal (pg. ###).

Mandrill - see Baboon (pg. ###).

Mandurugo - see Vampire (pg. ###).

Mannegishi - see Sprite (pg. ###).

Man-o-War - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Mantis Shrimp

Mantis, Giant - as Mantis Shrimp (pg. ###), but terrestrial.

Mari Lwyd - see Grey Horse (pg. ###).

Marid - see Jinnī (pg. ###).
Marine Worm

Mastiff - see Wolf (pg. ###).

Mastodon - see Elephant (pg. ###).

Megalodon - see Shark (pg. ###).

Megalosaurus- see Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###).

Megatherium - see Ground Sloth (pg. ###).

Melusine - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Mephit - see Spitling (pg. ###) or Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Merlion - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Microbial Mat  - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Mind Eater

Moa - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Moasaur - see Seal (pg. ###).

Moha-Moha - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).
Monstrous Vermin

Moon Jelly - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Morlock - see Troglodyte (pg. ###).

Mormo - see Night Hag (pg. ###).

Mosquito, Giant - see Skeeter (pg. ###).

Mothman - as Banshee (pg. ###), but a red-eyed giant moth. 

Mountain Lion - see Panther (pg. ###).

Mouse, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg.  ###).
Murderous Crows

Naked Mole Rat - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Narwhal - see Seal (pg. ###).

Necrophidius - as Giant Snake (pg. ###), but made of bones.

Nereid - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).
Night Hag
Nightmare Beast

Ningyo - see Merfolk (pg. ###).

Nixie - see Sprite (pg. ###).
Noble Giant

Nue - see Chimera (pg. ###).

Nymph, Flower - see Flower Nymph (pg. ###).

Oarfish - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).

Octopus, Giant - see Kraken (pg. ###).

Ogre, Quantum - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Oni - see Ogre (pg. ###).

Onocentaur - as Satyr (pg. ###), but front half human, back half donkey.

Oókempán - see Kappa (pg. ###).

Opabinia - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).

Opinicus - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Orangutan - see Ape (pg. ###).

Orca - see Toothed Whale (pg. ###).

Origorúso - as Ogre (pg. ###), but with enormous ears.

Ostrich - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Otyugh - as Blizzard Eel (pg. ###), but eats offal, cannot fly.

Oviraptor - see Swift Lizard (pg. ###).

Owl, Giant - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Pachycephalosaurus - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).

Pairío - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).

Palis - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Penanggalan - see Vampire (pg. ###).
Perfect Predator

Phantasm - see Elsewhere Creature (pg. ###).

Phantom - see Ghost (pg. ###).

Phoenix - see Firebird (pg. ###).

Physeter - as Rotifer (pg. ###), but whale-shaped, and can also create a whirlpool-sized column of water.

Piasa - see Manticore (pg. ###).

Piercer - see Mimic (pg. ###).

Pike, Giant - see Shark (pg. ###).

Pixie - see Sprite (pg. ###).

Pixiu - as Lamassu (pg. ###), but dragon-headed and lion-bodied. Loves gold, but fairly loyal. 

Plant, Predatory - see Predatory Plant (pg. ###).

Plesiosaur - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).


Porpita - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Predatory Plant
Predatory Snail

Prophet - see Visionary (pg. ###).

Pterodactyl - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Púca - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Pudding, Deadly - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Pudding, Delicious - see Biscuit Golem (pg. ###).

Qilin - see Kirin (pg. ###).

Quasit - see Imp (pg. ###).
Questing Beast

Radiodont - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).

Ragsnatcher - see Rust Monster (pg. ###).

Rakshasa - see Devil (pg. ###).

Ram, Shofar - see Shofar Ram (pg. ###).

Rat King - as Murderous Crows (pg. ###), but a fused tangle of rats. 

Rat, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).

Ray - see Shark (pg. ###).

Revenant - see Wight (pg. ###).

Rhea - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).
Robot Hound
Robot Servant
Robot Titan

Roc - see Wyvern (pg. ###).

Rokurokubi - see Vampire (pg. ###).

Ropen - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Roper - see Mimic (pg. ###).
Rust Monster

Sabre-Toothed Cat - see Tiger (pg. ###) or Bear (pg. ###).

Sahuagin - see Merfolk (pg. ###).

Sailor - see Pirate (pg. ###).

Salamander - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Sarangay - see Minotaur (pg. ###).

Sasquatch - see Ape (pg. ###).

Satori - as Baboon (pg. ###), but telepathic, babbles read thoughts.

Sawfish - see Shark (pg. ###).
Sea Hag

Sea Lion - see Seal (pg. ###).

Sea Nettle - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Sea Serpent
Sea Slug
Sea Star

Selkie - see Werewolf (pg. ###).

Seraphim - see Angel (pg. ###).

Serpopard - see Griffon (pg. ###).

Shadow - see Ghost (pg. ###) or Grue (pg. ###).

Shadow Dragon - see Ethereal Dragon (pg. ###).

Shahmaran - see Naga (pg. ###).

Shedu - see Lamassu (pg. ###).
Shivered Beast
Shofar Ram

Silverfish - see Rust Monster (pg. ###).

Simurgh - see Griffon (pg. ###) or Firebird (pg. ###).

Siphonophore - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Siren - as Harpy (pg. ###), but mostly human, aquatic.

Skin-walker - see Werewolf (pg. ###).

Slime - see Ooze (pg. ###).

Slug, Giant - see Sea Slug (pg. ###).

Snail, Predatory - see Predatory Snail (pg. ###).

Snailfish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Snake, Giant - see Giant Snake (pg. ###).

Snallygaster - see Chimera (pg. ###).
Snow Fungus
Snow Golem

Snow Leopard - see Panther (pg. ###).

Snowman, Abominable - see Ape (pg. ###).

Snowman, Adorable - see Snow Golem (pg. ###).

Soldier - see Mercenary (pg. ###).

Songòmby - as Catoblepas (pg. ###), but carnivorous.

Specter - see Alpine Specter (pg. ###) or Ghost (pg. ###).

Spider, Giant - see Giant Spider (pg. ###).

Spriggan - see Polevik (pg. ###) or Fairy (pg. ###).


Squid, Giant - see Kraken (pg. ###).

Squid, Vampire - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Stareater - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Stegosaurus - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).

Stirge - see Skeeter (pg. ###).

Stone Golem

Stone Golem (pg. ###)

Strigoi - see Vampire (pg. ###).
Strong Toad

Struthiomimus - see Swift Lizard (pg. ###).

Succubus - see Devil (pg. ###).

Su-monster - see Ape (pg. ###).
Sun Dog

Sundew, Giant - see Predatory Plant (pg. ###).

Swan Maiden - see Werewolf (pg. ###).

Swarm - see Murderous Crows (pg. ###).
Swift Lizard

Sylph - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Tagamaling - see Ghoul (pg. ###).

Tarrasque - see Beast of Creation (pg. ###)

Tattie-Bogle - see Scarecrow (pg. ###).

Telescopefish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).
Telluric Goat
Tempest Hag

Termite, Giant - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Terror Bird - see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Thoqqua - see Marine Worm (pg. ###).
Thunder Lizard

Tick, Giant - see Monstrous Vermin (pg. ###).

Tigbanua - as Ogre (pg. ###), but one-eye, long neck.

Tikbalang - as Will-o'-the-Wisp (pg. ###), but can transform into a horse-headed Minotaur (pg. ###).

Titan - see Noble Giant (pg. ###).

Titanothere - see Rhinoceros (pg. ###).

Toad, Giant - as Kappa (pg. ###), but not intelligent.

Toad, Strong - see Strong Toad (pg. ###).
Toothed Whale

Torosaurus - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).
Tortoise Tsar

Triceratops - see Herd Lizard (pg. ###).

Triffid - see Predatory Plant (pg. ###).

Trilobite - see Ancient Arthropod (pg. ###).

Tripodero - as Firebat (pg. ###), but a long-tailed lizard on extendable legs. Spits clay pellets.

Tripodfish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Tsukumogami - see Animated Item (pg. ###).

Tullimonstrum - as Sea Serpent (pg. ###), but oval body, grasping proboscis, eyestalks. 
Tunnel Hulk

Tupilaq - see Flesh Golem (pg. ###).

Turkey, Giant - see Hateful Goose (pg. ###).

Turtle, Dragon - see Sea Serpent (pg. ###).

Tyrannosaurus - see Tyrant Lizard (pg. ###).
Tyrant Lizard

Umbral - see Sun Dog (pg. ###).

Underdog - see Shivered Beast (pg. ###).

Undine - see Elemental Spirit (pg. ###).

Urchin - see Sea Star (pg. ###).

Urisk - see Brownie (pg. ###).

Ushi-oni - as Giant Spider (pg. ###), but with an ox's head.

Vargouille - see Stirge (pg. ###).

Velociraptor - see Swift Lizard (pg. ###).

Vetala - see Vampire (pg. ###).

Viperfish - see Abyssal Fish (pg. ###).

Vodyanoi - see Kappa (pg. ###).

Vorompatra- see Flightless Bird (pg. ###).

Vulture, Giant - see Flying Lizard (pg. ###).

Walking Stick - see Animated Item (pg. ###).

Walrus - see Seal (pg. ###).

Wanyūdō - as Dullahan (pg. ###), but a burning wheel with a face at its hub.

Warthog - see Boar (pg. ###).

Wasp, Giant - see Hive Insect (pg. ###).

Water Bear - see Tardigrade (pg. ###).

Water Weird - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Wendigo - see Ghoul (pg. ###).

White Beguiler - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).
Wicker Walker

Wind Walker - see Sandwalker (pg. ###).

Wiwaxia - see Predatory Snail (pg. ###).

Woodwose - see Druid (pg. ###).

Worm, Giant - see Wurm (pg. ###).

Worm, Marine - see Marine Worm (pg. ###).

Wraith - see Ghost (pg. ###).

Xiezhi - as Shofar Ram (pg. ###), but blasts liars and protects the truthful.

Yacuruna - see Merfolk (pg. ###).

Yeren - see Ape (pg. ###)

Yeti - see Ape (pg. ###).
Young Dragon

Yowie - see Ape (pg. ###).

Yuki-onna - see Ice Hag (pg. ###).

Ziz - see Beast of Creation (pg. ###).
Zombie Dragon


  1. I personally feel like the Piasa should be different from the Manticore, but it is honestly pretty obscure so I am surprised you even have it.

    1. Fair enough! What would you suggest as an alternative?
      Modern depictions seem fairly Manticore-like, down to the scorpion tail. For older depictions or overlapping creatures, stats for an "underwater panther" seem fairly obvious.

    2. That is definitely true. Honestly, just pointing toward both the Manticore and a giant Panther with Scales and Wings would probably do, though it doesn't look like that would work with how you are doing it (it would resolve the Gorgon problem fairly well though).
      In my opinion though, I would choose the underwater panther with some modifications, if only so that at least one monster can try and keep its own identity. From my own experiences stating up and researching the Piasa, however, there really isn't much to preserve so either way works. It just doesn't get used very much and hasn't established much of an identity.

  2. Have you seen A Book of Creatures? He recently had to take a hiatus (possibly permanent) due to the stresses of daily life in Lebanon, but he has a pretty extensive list of creatures from hundreds of sources, with descriptions taken directly from the sources and not people quoting the sources, and he does art and size silhouettes for them too. Plus, he will often trace the history of a particular creature, assuming he can find it.

    1. Yup! Been an avid reader for years. ABoC is a peerless source. I've read the entire blog and incorporated the relevant entries into this index, but I'll probably do a second pass. Their cited sources and dissected reference chains are very handy. Would love to send over some money as compensation for all their hard work, but that doesn't seem to be possible at the moment.

  3. Mothman is a great West Virginian cryptid, but I'd also like to see the Flatwoods Monster get some representation.

    1. I've tried to steer away from names based on specific locations. Not entirely sure why, but it doesn't feel right to me.

  4. I think it's "Deinonychus", not "Dienonychus"
    I love this project, can't wait to see it finished!

    1. Good catch! I shouldn't try and spell species from memory.
